The current situation in the village and the list of necessary investments is based on the meteoric growth of the population and therefore their wants and needs in recent years. We have come to address this situation after the election in the fall of 2022, when many opportunities have already been taken or wasted. We have appealed quite strongly in personal meetings to the developer to share the profits made and contribute to the infrastructure in the village under the ESG (Environment, Social, Government) principle. This request was rather firmly brushed off, saying that all agreements from the past had already been concluded and it was too late to deal with the developer's participation in the construction of amenities.
We do not want to accept this way of "mining the area", however, the possibilities of the municipality are very limited due to the concluded agreements. The municipality now has no choice but to help itself by using state subsidies. We in ŽIJME SPOLEČĚ believe that despite the significant investment costs, full-fledged civic amenities are a necessity for a village that wants to live and does not want to be a mere "satellite near Prague".
It was, is and will be crucial for us that the municipality makes the most of grant funding. Financing investments solely from our own resources does not make economic sense (with rare exceptions). Therefore, short- and medium-term planning is necessary, and investment in the readiness of our projects is absolutely essential for the successful use of subsidies. It is not possible to react only at the moment of the announcement of a grant and start to clarify what we would like to do and how we would like to do it. We need to have projects ready 'in the drawer' and then react quickly. That is why we are actively promoting investment in studies, project documents and community readiness. It may seem that these are premature or unnecessary costs of up to millions of crowns, but the failures in applying for a grant for the first phase of the kindergarten or in applying for a grant for the reconstruction of the K Loužce road are an example of the fact that "being ready" is a necessity.
As far as specific priorities are concerned, we at LIVE TOGETHER fully agree with the above list of investments prepared by the entire council in the preparation of the 2024 budget. However, we see three absolutely necessary investment areas within this list.
For ŽIJME SPOLEČNĚ we have our priorities, however, the decision on a specific investment always depends on the municipal council according to the current situation. We do not want to say that other investments are not important for us. On the contrary, the availability of an interesting subsidy may adjust the prioritization and prioritize another project. Let's take the example of the insulation of the municipal office envelope worth CZK 1.5 million. CZK. This in itself is not high on our priorities, but when there is an opportunity to obtain up to 85% of the subsidy, it is of course advisable to use this opportunity as a priority, as the cost of the municipality is then around CZK 300 thousand. This would be more than 300 CZK.
We want to show that our municipalities need quality and active management of investment funds, and this is what our team ŽIJME SPOLEČNĚ offers.
Pro ŽIJME SPOLEČNĚ, sdružení nezávislých kandidátů vytvořilo studio Elasticle, 2024.