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Traffic safety situation

Traffic safety situation

The traffic safety situation is as much of a concern as the lack of infrastructure, and solving it is equally important. Where there used to be a few cars per hour, there is now heavy traffic due to population growth and ongoing construction. The county's original roads are inadequate. Safe passage through some parts of the villages is out of the question due to the lack of pavements and crossings.

Whether it is the busy passage through Kuchař, the narrowed passage through Kozolupy or the dangerous section of K Marjánka and the school in Újezd, the problem must be addressed comprehensively in the context of the entire municipality. We want to have an expert traffic safety study of all parts of the village prepared, which will reveal or confirm the dangerous places and propose an adequate solution. In some places the solution will be simple and quick, in others only a technically and financially demanding solution such as a bypass will solve the problem.

Reducing the speed of traffic

After unsuccessful negotiations with DI PČR, no speed reduction below 50 km/h was allowed in any part of our village. The municipality has installed horizontal signs and speed cameras at the entrances and exits. Some of the radars even have an indication and recording of the RZ at a speed higher than the speed limit. However, the enforcement of subsequent fines is problematic and the whole investment is thus wasted. We propose the establishment of an offence committee and the fining of speeding offences using modern technology.

Reducing traffic volume

Kuchař - The current traffic situation will only be solved by the relocation of the II/116 road, which will take traffic to the Roblín, Trněný Újezd intersection.

Kozolupy - The route of the bypass is possible on the western side of the village from the area of ZD Mořina to the intersection of roads 11610 and 11613 near Višňovka. As part of the ongoing land improvements, it will be possible to allocate land for this bypass.

Vysoký Újezd - The relocation of road 10125 from Mezoun will divert some traffic from K Marjánce street and the centre. By converting a portion of the county road through the center to a local road, we can reduce speeds and improve pedestrian safety here, including the area near the elementary school. However, the implementation of the bypass is only possible with funding from the Crestyl group, which was committed to in the agreement with the municipality.

Reconstruction of county roads 10125 and 10120

The County Road Administration and Maintenance plans to reconstruct all roads passing through Vysoký Újezd in the coming years. The company DIPRO, spol. s r.o. is preparing project documentation, which will include the modification of the unsatisfactory course of the right turn near the new kindergarten, including the modification of the entrance and exit to the parking lot. The municipality has also ordered a project from the same company for new sidewalks that may be created along the reconstructed roads. The priority is to build a new sidewalk from the school on the right side towards the village and beyond, but also towards the new kindergarten. The construction of new pavements is conditional on the reconstruction of these roads. For more information on this topic, see in the newsletter on page 4.

Reconstruction of local roads

Kuchař - The K Silu road has been successfully transferred to the municipality's ownership and nothing prevents its reconstruction as early as 2024.

Kozolupy - The project of reconstruction of Ke Kameňáku street will be prepared this year. The implementation will be time-bound to the investment action of ČEZ and the installation of the overhead lines in the ground. We will also plan the reconstruction of K Vodárně street, which needs a new surface.

Vysoký Újezd - Last year the project for the reconstruction of K Loužce street was completed and a building permit was obtained, unfortunately it was late, so the subsidy could not be obtained and the implementation will be delayed. The repair of the surface of V Chaloupkách and V Uličce is planned in the medium-term investments after the solution of the installation of the power lines in the ground. It would not have made economic sense to do this earlier, as the new surface would subsequently be re-buried.

Most of the reconstruction of local roads will only be possible if subsidies are obtained, with the exception of the reconstruction of K Silu Street. Financing exclusively from own resources would completely exhaust the investment funds of the municipality needed for drawing subsidies in other projects.

The area around the municipal office and school

The temporary installation of barriers along the castle wall has contributed to safer movement of children. However, the pavement on the other side from the school to the turn to the centre, where there should also be a new pedestrian crossing, needs to be implemented as a priority. In the area between the office and the school we would like to build a new extended car park and also move the containers to another more suitable location. In the future, we would like to make the whole area from the monument to the village square comprehensive and not only solve better pedestrian accessibility, but also visually and materially unify it.

Other planned modifications

  • shifting the marking of the beginning and end of Kozolupy village towards Trněný Újezd to the street Pod Miskou
  • alignment of traffic signs with weight restrictions on access roads
  • banning the passage of goods traffic on Pivovarská Street
  • installation of a mirror to improve safety at the exit from Na Nouzově street and Ke Kameňáku street in Kozolupy

We will be glad for any suggestion on this topic that you share with us.

Pro ŽIJME SPOLEČNĚ, sdružení nezávislých kandidátů vytvořilo studio Elasticle, 2024.